What is Do it?

The “Do It Project” was born from the idea of creating
a community of free thought, which addresses
transversal issues, selected from the most interesting,
stimulating and relevant ideas in the economic world,
law and socio-cultural activities of our time.
The “Do it” platform involves everyone.
It is accessible to everybody, with particular reference
to professionals, companies, institutions, universities,
“young adults”, with the particular aim of stimulating
the involvement, reflections and analysis of the topics

Do it - Network of ideas

The “Do it” project is characterized by creating a
digital sharing platform, with free access, in which
everyone will be conveyed, through the website of the
lawyer Maria Bruccoleri and by “short interviews”.
It is opened through the opinions of those who wants
to “add” a further comment to the questions
submitted, and wants to leave a brief comment or a
paper on the subject of the interviews.
The goal is to enhance people, enhance ideas, stimulate the creation / analysis and growth of ideas, projects for the benefit of all, but all characterized by the idea of civic-economic-cultural-futuristic “awakening”.
The main idea is that through “Do it” you can help stimulate doing.

The initiative stems from the implementation of the “Do it” project, which its creator, Avv. Maria Bruccoleri, intended to share with the partners of the “Bruccoleri & Partners Law Firm”, Avv. Alessandro Cottone and Avv. Mauro Aliotta.


Choice of Contents

The selection of contents will be carried out after
analysis by a scientific committee, specifically
established, which will include university professors,
professionals, and digital journalists, attentive to an
analytical and critical study of relevant issues in
contemporary society.


The methodology will be performed by interviews and
the free release of documents / slides / articles, by
those who want to share them with the visitors of the
The dissemination tool will be, solely, the digital one.

360° Collaborations

“Do it” will improve by external collaborations
constituted, not only by the interviewees but also by
universities, institutions, even local ones, cultural
associations, businesses, social organizations,
collaborations and develop communication channels
of the various social media authors and

Free Sharing

Since the platform will be a section of the Avv. Maria
Bruccoleri website, there are no costs for access and
In fact, it is provided for free access by everyone, as
well as the download of the material, previously
entered, for those who wish to download the
documents introduced on the platform.



Contact Us


Via Gioacchino di Marzo, n. 5, 90144
Tel/fax 091 309131
Mobile +39 328 887 1062
E-mail: studiolegalebruccoleri@gmail.com
Pec: avvmariabruccoleri@legalmail.it
Linkedln: Clicca qui


Piazza Diaz, n. 6, CAP 20123
Tel. +39 328 887 1062
E-mail: studiolegalebruccoleri@gmail.com;
Pec: avvmariabruccoleri@legalmail.it.
Linkedln: Clicca qui

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